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Terabit Computer Systems Corp. Website · Email: sales@tcs.com.ph,mis@tcs.com.ph; Tel: +63-26171441; Address: 2009 Cityland Pasong Tamo Tower, Chino Roces Ave, Makati City, Philippines  Create a free website with Wix.com. Choose a stunning A computer displaying the Wix editor and the creation of an eCommerce website that sells headphones. A cart view Look amazing on every screen with a mobile version of your site. Network Monitoring & Management · Remote Control · VPN Although all the disk clone operations of the PowerQuest Drive Image are under the Windows interface, the real backup can also be set in advance under Windows, then just restart the system to restore the lost data files. 10/05/18 valeria piña In addition, it can also create a clone of one PC for easy transfer of programs and files from one computer to another. I am a long term user of Acronis, from version 2012 to 2015.